Saturday, October 19, 2013

Plastic Surgery In Beverly Hill ( Part eight )

Buttocks Liposuction Beverly Hills

 Tiny Cannulas Give Best Results
Using microcannulas and tumescent liposuction techniques, the size and shape of the buttocks can be improved, and can produce excellent, symmetric, and smooth results. Microcannulas have a diameter of less than 3 mm or less than 1/8 of an inch. In contrast, liposuction of the buttocks using large cannulas are more likely to cause irregular shape and lumpiness. Larger cannulas are somewhat old fashioned, and tend to be used by surgeons for maximum speed rather than maximum finesse and precision.

Shape Is Important

The shape of the buttocks is formed by subcutaneous fat. When well proportioned, the buttocks fit into clothing more comfortably. When misshaped or disproportioned, buttocks are a source of dissatisfaction, inconvenience, shame, embarrassment, and derision.

Function and Aesthetics
The fat of the buttocks has functional and aesthetic importance. Functionally the buttock is a soft, resilient cushion that provides protection when sitting on a hard surface. Aesthetically, a beautiful, callipygian buttock is a source of admiration and visual delight; it is pleasing to behold, and hold.

The Ancient Greeks were preeminent authorities on the subject of human surface anatomy. They had a word to describe beautiful buttocks: callipygian. The word is derived from a compilation of kallos (beautiful) and pyge (rump). The Callipygian Venus is a famous marble statue of a female nude discovered the Roman house of Emperor Nero, and now displayed at the Museo Nationale in Naples.

Liposuction Surgical Technique
The goal of tumescent liposuction of the buttocks to achieve uniformly smooth results with a pleasing reduction in size and bulk. The surgeon must strive to achieve a symmetry and avoid excessive fat removal. Because the buttocks is a rounded surface, it is difficult to achieve a smooth rounded result by liposuction using a large cannula with only one or two incisions. Large cannulas have a tendency to create a lumpy-bumpy furrowed result. The smoothest results are achieved using microcannulas (less than 3 mm diameter) and multiple tiny incisions that leave virtually no visible scars.

Too much liposuction
Too much Liposuction will leave an unacceptable sagging appearance, and surgical irregularities of the skin. The goal is never to remove the maximal volume of fat; rather it is to produce the smoothest, most natural, well proportioned result possible. As a general rule, no more than a 40 percent of the buttock fat should be removed by liposuction.

Liposuction cannot be expected to lift or elevate the buttock to any noticeable degree. A skilled surgeon can remove fat uniformly from throughout the volume of the buttocks and thereby produce a reduction in the weight of the buttocks. By removing some of the weight of the buttock, the natural elastic recoil of skin has the potential to produce a slight elevation. In older patients whose skin has lost some of its youthful elastic qualities, there is usually very little elevation.

Sacral Fat Pad
Some patients have a genetically determined fat pad (the sacral fat pad) located on the lower back just above the intergluteal crease. From an aesthetic perspective, the sacral pad is regarded as a component of the buttock.

Horizontal Crease Below the Buttocks
The horizontal crease below the buttocks is the boundary between the buttocks and the posterior thighs. The crease is formed by a meshwork of fibrous connective tissue stands (known as Luschka's ligament) that loosely connects the skin to the surface of the muscles in the buttocks. Some people do not have a horizontal gluteal crease. It is a mistake to attempt to create horizontal gluteal crease by liposuction.

Horizontal Crease Cannot Be Created. Any attempt to produce an a horizontal crease below the buttocks by means of liposuction is unwise and often results in a crease that appears unnaturally scooped-out, and furrowed. This deformity is most apparent when the when the patient bends over, and stretches the affected area. Removing too much fat from the in this area results in pain when sitting on a hard surface. Too much liposuction in the area of the horizontal crease cannot be repaired. The cosmetic risks out weigh the possible benefits.

The Banana-Shaped Bulge
This is a banana-shaped fat pad sometimes found below the horizontal crease, on the upper posterior thigh immediately below the buttock. Removing too much fat from the banana-bulge will produce a redundant or double horizontal crease.

Double Horizontal Crease
Many women are concerned about the banana-shaped bulge which represents a focal accumulation of fat and skin. Most patients who have a prominent banana-form fold will want the surgeon to treat the area aggressively. However a conservative approach is recommended. Patients should be told not to expect more than a 50% improvement in this area with the first surgery. If additional surgery is necessary, then a second liposuction procedure can be performed at a later date. Excessively aggressive liposuction of the banana-form fold will often produce second horizontal infra-gluteal crease that is almost impossible to repair without a significant scar. This first time the banana-shaped bulge is treated by liposuction, it is always better to remove too little than too much.

Plastic Surgery In Beverly Hill ( Part seven )

Beverly Hills Facelift of the Future


 ( "The facelift of the future") is a minor, one-hour procedure with long lasting natural results. This facelift procedure was designed by facelift surgeon Dr.  to improve the laxity of jowls, cheeks, loose neck (turkey neck) and facial skin without the need for major anesthesia.  Facelift recovery is quicker and more comfortable than with a traditional face lift, with more natural results. This procedure is best for people who do not wish to have a traditional pulled and unnatural face lift look.

What Does a Face Lift or Mini Facelift Do?beverly hills face lift picture

Aging alters the body in many ways, but nowhere are these harsh realities as visible as on the face. Coupled with the sun’s damaging rays, the aging process coarsens the texture of the skin, diminishes its youthful layer of fatty tissue, and causes the angularity of the face to be lost. As the skin makes its downward descent off the cheeks, jaw, and neck, it pouches into unsightly bags and overhanging jowls. These outward signs often generate comments of tiredness and questions of sadness that really belie an inner vitality. The great value of SIMONI LIFT TM is that it can help counter this generalized facial sagging and give the face a more rested and youthful appearance. The procedure does not change you; it simply makes you look the way you did years ago.

HOW IS  LIFT TM DONE?face lift cosmetic surgeon

For  LIFT TM, You will only need local anesthesia, which is a relatively painless local injection of an anesthetic mixed with epinephrine to numb your face. The idea behind avoiding major anesthesia is so the patient will have a safer procedure and be able to go home right after.  Dr is an expert in keeping even the most anxious patients relaxed and comfortable.  LIFT TM removes excess skin and fat from the face and neck area through well planned incisions that start in the hairline and run down in front of the ear, up behind the ear. It repositions and supports the underlying structures and drooping fat, muscles, and skin.  The preoperative analysis evaluates the quality of the skin, looseness at the jaw line, the angle from the chin to the bottom of the neck, and the amount of fat and excess skin present in the neck area. The results are very dependent on the elasticity of the skin. If the skin has had extensive damage, additional procedures may be required.  LIFT TM can best correct skin laxity in the face and neck as well as contour problems caused by protruding fat.


In every face, regardless of the person’s age, some slack can be found. Following LIFT TM, the aging process continues and the skin loses more of its elastic properties. Gravity causes the loose skin to accumulate along the jaws, along the sides of the mouth and in the center of the neck under the chin. It is impossible to predict when – and to what extent – this may happen. Genetics, age differences, ethnic backgrounds, stress, illness, and nutrition all play a role in how soon other mini-lift procedures may be considered. However on the average it may take 10-15 years before you might need any additional tuck up.


By avoiding anesthesia, swelling and bruising is significantly reduced. You should be able to go out in public with the help of makeup within a few days, but this will vary with each patient. It's important to limit your activities for several days. And it will probably be 4-7 days before you can return to work. There are risks as with any procedure, the general risks include bleeding and infection. Though rare, you could develop a pocket of blood and fluid, called a hematoma. This would probably need to be removed by releasing a few sutures and removing the collection. You should expect to have little discomfort, but any that occurs can be controlled with pain medication. Intense pain is a sign that you should call your doctor. There may be decreased sensation of the face for a month or so with a gradual return to normal. You can expect to feel, but not usually see, a few little bumps that will even out over time. There will be permanent hidden scars from the procedure that at first will be red, but should fade and be inconspicuous.  ---> [Post Face and Eye Surgery Instruction]


Plastic Surgery In Beverly Hill ( Part six )

Body Contouring and Cellulite Treatment with PENTA THERAPY™ in Beverly Hills


 The Newest non-surgical Body Contouring, Skin Tightening and cellulite Treatment!

Finally, a nonsurgical, medical solution that tightens the skin reduces the appearance of cellulite on buttocks, thighs, hips, stomach, and upper arms. Say hello to Penta therapy cellulite treatment and goodbye to dimply skin.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does body contouring and cellulite treatment with Penta therapy work?

It targets fat and cellulite in a whole new way. The advanced gentle yet deep penetrating ultrasonic technology combined with radio frequency and LED help to tighten, define, contour, sculpt, smooth and firm skin.  At the end of each treatment the gentle massaging and suction action work to disperse the destroyed fat cells.  Expect a smoother, firmer more contoured body each and every session.

Is Penta therapy right for me?

Individual results and number of treatments required vary with the extent of the body fat and cellulite. During your initial consultation, Dr will let you know if you are a good candidate.

Does Penta therapy hurt?

Many patients describe the treatment sensation to an intense deep-tissue heated massage.

How much Penta therapy cost?

Treatment costs vary. Dr Simoni will go over these details with you during your initial consultation.

Plastic Surgery In Beverly Hill ( Part five )

Neck Lift & Neck Liposuction Beverly Hills.



There is usually no ideal age for neck plastic surgery. Candidates may range from teenagers who need only neck liposuction to middle-aged individuals who may need just a slight tuck and ultimately to a fully aged neck that may need multiple modalities.  Dr.  has modified neck cosmetic procedures to less invasive levels so that no anesthesia is required.  Dr.  can perform all neck procedures under local anesthesia. He believes in avoiding the risk of anesthesia by all means possible.
Neck plastic surgery may be performed a variety of three procedures. Depending on the individual some may need only one modality and some other may need a combination of two or three of theses procedures.

Neck Liposuction

Candidate who only need neck liposuction have good neck elasticity and only excess fat to correct.  It's tempting to think that liposuction is the answer to everything, but its application in the face is limited. Draw a line from the ear canal down to the corner of the mouth; everything below this line is fair game. The most common area of fat removal is along the jaw line and under the chin.

Facial liposuction is sensational for people without much neck definition. Revealing the underlying structure of the jaw line makes the whole person look trimmer. Even if the patient has a weak chin, combining liposuction, to remove extra fatty tissue, with a chin implant provides wonderful results.

On of the coolest things about neck liposuction is that it's not just for younger people anymore. The most recent studies show that older individuals can benefit too. Previous assumptions about aging skin relaxation have proven untrue. The liposuction itself appears to create scar tissue which tightens up the overlying skin. There are limits, however. The proverbial "turkey neck" is proportionately more about loose skin than it is about fat. Only a facelift will provide significant improvement in tightening very loose neck skin.

Perhaps you're feeling guilty about not dieting those double chins away. The fat below the jaw line is impervious to all but the most sever weight loss (eg, cancer, weight loss and starvation). Therefore, liposuction is a good solution to what is usually an inherited trait. The buccal cheek pads (the soft part under the cheekbone and over the teeth), however, are much more responsive to weight loss and are best left alone.

There are some potential drawbacks to injudicious liposuction. When too much neck fat is removed, the lymphatic system is disrupted. This can result in prolonged (weeks to months) swelling and edema. Overly aggressive fat removal can also leave ridges and distortions of normal facial contours. The thin layer of fat in the face provides the padding underneath the skin. If too much is removed, the movement of jaw and cheek muscles may become disconcertingly apparent. This may be what makes John Cleese's facelift so odd looking (check out the difference between "A Fish Called Wanda" and "Fierce Creatures").

Another potential pitfall is injudicious removal of the buccal fat pad. It's sometimes requested in order to achieve a sculptural, high-fashion look. However, "as people age, they lose the fat in their face through atrophy. Look at Ingrid Bergman. Through the years her face became more sculptured and some think more interesting--sans surgery. "Youthful buccal fat removal can eventually result in a hollow, prematurely old look, so I reserve it only for people with very round faces," says Dr. Simoni.

Neck lift Beverly Hills

Best neck lift candidate are those who have sagging and/or wrinkling of the neck and a loss of separation between the neck and the chin or jaw.  Sagging of the neck skin may be due to age, but may also be a result of significant weight loss or simple heredity. Neck lift is a surgical procedure that restores a tight, youthful appearance to skin and muscles under the chin and neck area which have lost elasticity and exhibits banding. It also corrects the heavy neck or double chin.
The incisions hidden behind the ears. Dr Simoni will then lifts and tightens the sagging neck muscles and remove the extra skin. An elastic bandage will be applied to your neck and head.
Neck lifting can be performed in conjunction with a face lift, but may also be done as a stand-alone procedure.


Platysmaplasty refers to tightening of loose neck muscle through a small incision under the chin.  Best candidates for platysmaplasty are the individuals with heavy loose neck bands.  Platysmaplasty is not commonly done as a stand-alone procedure but rather in conjunction with a face or neck lift

Plastic Surgery In Beverly Hill ( Part four )

Botox Beverly Hills & Los Angeles


What is botox?
Originally developed to aid in a nerve-muscle disorder affecting the cervical-neck and shoulder , Botox was accidentally injected into areas showing deep lines and creases of skin. Remarkably, the deep lines and creases began to dissipate, Botox relaxes the muscle, blocking neuro-chemical transmission past the site. The result? Muscles such as around the forehead brow area or cheekbone and mouth areas suddenly relax, resulting in a dramatic smoothening of the surface skin, with folds and creases and furrows reducing substantially after initial treatment. Naturally, due to body metabolic processes, the effect of Botox injections can not be held permanently, therefore a treatment plan of successive injections every few months is required in order to sustain the results and appearance that men and women seek. Appearance, sense of self and vitality, professional appearance can all be transformed beneficially through the selective use of Botox, which has proven to be a safe and effective.
Botox can be used to treat skin conditions that are a direct result of the following causes:
  • sun and wind damage
  • poor diet and nutrition
  • smoking
  • drug use
  • environmental/industrial toxins
  •  genetics


Plastic Surgery In Beverly Hill ( Part three )

Beverly hills Rhinoplasty (nose job)


 Since the nose is the most prominent facial feature, it plays a major role in determining how we look. A nose that is too large or misshapen can disrupt the symmetry of an otherwise pleasant appearance. A person who is unhappy with his or her nose often spends a great deal of time thinking about changing it. A procedure called rhinoplasty (nose jobs) makes aesthetic and structural changes possible. Dr.  will evaluate the structure of your nose in relation to the shape of your face, the thickness of your skin and your age. He will work with you to try to make your nose complement your other facial features. During a nose job or rhinoplasty procedure, both the profile and frontal views are corrected.


Your Rhinoplasty Consultation 

Dr. will first listen to your desires and goals. He will then examine you and make suggestions for improvement based on his assessment of your nose, your facial features and your desires. He will also help you understand the surgery with the aid of most advanced 3D computer generated before-and-after pictures. This new technology helps the doctor understand what you are seeking to achieve and helps you understand what is feasible in the most life like 3-dimentional space.
At the end of the consultation, you will have a much clearer idea of what can be achieved so that you can make this very important decision. What is the goal? After nose rhinoplasty surgery, people will say, "Hey, you look great!" but they won't know you've had nose job surgery! 

About the Rhinoplasty

Dr.  prefers an open-tip technique for rhinoplasty. With this technique, a small incision is made across the columella, the vertical strip of tissue separating the nostrils. The open-tip technique allows for a more direct view of the nasal structures thus more predictable result.
You can choose to reduce or increase the size of your nose, change the tip or the bridge, narrow the span of the nostrils or change the angle between your nose and your upper lip.
When the nosejob surgery is complete, a splint will be applied to keep the nasal structures immobile and help the nose maintain its new shape. Rhinoplasty can be performed in an outpatient surgical facility or a hospital. As A rule, Dr. Simoni recommends general anesthesia for most rhinoplasty procedures. The procedure usually takes about two hours, though complicated procedures may take longer.
Rhinoplasty can also be performed in combination with other procedures designed to relieve nasal obstruction. Rhinoplasty is not usually advised until a person has reached the mid-teenage years, when growth of the nose is nearly complete. This usually means 14 to 15 years of age for a girl and 16 for a boy. 

Rhinoplasty Recovery & Healing

Nasal surgery produces minimal discomfort that can usually be controlled by pain medication. You will need to keep your head elevated and apply cold compresses to your eyes to reduce post-operative bruising and swelling. A little bleeding is common during the first few days following surgery, and you may continue to feel some stuffiness for several weeks.
Dr  does not ordinarily “pack” the nose after surgery. Patients, therefore, are more comfortable and generally less swollen. With the elimination of nasal packing, pain, swelling, bleeding, discoloration, etc., are dramatically reduced making the recovery period much more pleasant for the patient. By the end of one week, or occasionally two weeks, all dressings, splints and stitches should be removed.  
Avoid hitting or rubbing your nose, or getting it sunburned for six months. You must remember that for the initial period after surgery your nose will be more sensitive to the sun and you will have to take special precautions. Be gentle when washing your face and hair or using cosmetics.    
Most rhinoplasty patients are up and about within two days, and able to return to school or sedentary work a week or so following surgery. It will be several weeks, however, before you're entirely up to speed.    
The early results of this surgery are evident in two to three weeks. However, you will continue to notice an improvement in the contour and form of your nose for six to 12 months, as most of the swelling disappears. Healing is a slow and gradual process. [Read More, post rhinoplasty instruction]


There are structures within the nose, namely the septum and turbinates, which affect the airflow through the nose. Dr will examine the internal structure of your nose at the time of consultation and provide information about possible improvement. Oftentimes, there is blockage of one or both of the nasal passages which results in decreased airflow. Surgery to correct these problems can be performed either alone or in combination with cosmetic nasal surgery. There is no effect on the external appearance of the nose if surgery is performed for functional reasons only.
While there is no insurance coverage for cosmetic nasal surgery, there may be available insurance coverage for functional nasal surgery. Dr will discuss this with you and cooperate in obtaining pre-certification for the functional surgery. Please bear in mind that insurance companies oftentimes require extensive x-rays and other tests as well as a six month trial of medications before they may approve coverage for this surgery. In essence, they will do everything they can to delay and/or prevent you from having this operation.


Yes you can! Frequently a patient will request treatment of a bulbous tip only. Or one may wish to shave down a small bump or reduce some nostril flare. And sometimes one desires to narrow the bony upper part of the nose but leave the tip alone. Dr will discuss the pros and cons of your request and together a plan for surgery can be made.


Plastic surgery is one of the few surgical specialties where one can get a second chance if the first operation was not totally successful. This is called secondary or revision surgery. That being said, rhinoplasty revision surgery is always more difficult and less predictable due to the scar tissue resulting from the original surgery. In essence, you do not have a “virgin” nose. Therefore, improvement and not perfection, is the goal for these operations. In nasal surgery, revision is even more difficult because it may require replacement of cartilage that was over-zealously removed during the first procedure. All of this mandates that you carefully choose your surgeon, for the first operation is always the best opportunity to get the best result. Everything after that is playing “catch up.”

PHILOSOPHY of Rhinoplasty

It is important to inject some philosophy here – which is every bit as important as the hands which perform the operation. There are some operations in plastic surgery where you want to see substantial differences (like making a breast larger or smaller). There are other procedures, such as cosmetic nasal surgery, where subtlety is essential. The ideal male nose is strong: straight, symmetric, somewhat narrow and not up-tilted – definitely not small, delicate and feminine. The ideal female nose is delicate, very slightly up-tilted and appropriate for the face. One wants to look normal, not overdone. In nasal surgery, the difference between success and failure is measured in tiny millimeters of tissue removed or changed. All of this goes towards artistic judgment. You can be assured that Dr  will bring this philosophy of subtle surgery to the performance of your procedure.


Fees will vary widely among various surgeons. Talent, skill, judgment, experience and technique also varies significantly between surgeons. Patients sometimes choose the least expensive surgeon only to end up with fair, poor or terrible results – and then have to pay additionally to have corrective surgery, if it is possible at all. Please accept some words of wisdom: when it comes to your own face it “pays” to pay retail. The best suggestion is to visit several doctors, check their credentials, review their patient photos and choose the one with whom you feel most comfortable and confident. The fee, while important, should be the least of your considerations.

Nose Job Risks

Pain associated with the surgery is minimal to moderate and when necessary can be controlled with oral medication. Complications associated with rhinoplasty are rare. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility of infection or nosebleed. These can be minimized by carefully following your doctor’s instructions. Dr. strives to make sure the patient is realistic and understands the desired changes. He believes when patients are unhappy with their result after surgery, it usually stems from either a miscommunication between the doctor and patient and/or an overzealous correction of the problem.